First Piece:
"Overview and Clear Advantages of Prop Trading
You'll understand how Prop Firms make money, what the PropTrading rules are and why it spells a HUGE opportunity for the disciplined trader.
Second Piece:
"The Importance of the Right Kind of Trigger to Pass The Evaluation with Ease"
You'll discover the best win ratio and you'll solve a common trading discipline dilemma at the same time.
Third Piece:
"How to Handle the Draw-Down Rules So You Can Trade With Relaxed Confidence"
When you understand how to keep your draw-downs low, you'll compress the time needed to pass the evaluation.
Fourth Piece:
"How To Run Your Prop Trading As a Business"
Whether you're trading for consistent retirement income or trading to diversify your portfolio, knowing which funding amounts to test for, when to and WHEN NOT TO reset your account, and proper position sizing will spell a steady income stream.
Fifth Piece:
"Exactly How to Get Funded in 10 Days"
We'll wrap up with a blueprint of how I got funded in 10 Days for a $50,000 account and a $150,000 account in 22 days. Here's where we put it all together and you'll be next to get funded!
You're investment is just $497!